Meet Kisa

Have you ever thought that if you could capture that special feeling of love between you and your pup that your life could be so much more vivid and full?

​          As a child, I always knew I had a deep connection with animals. I would be a literal encyclopedia on anything related to animals (Thanks to watching so much Animal Planet).  I would raise my hand often in 7th grade science class to give the teacher as much information on each animal the class was discussing.

  When I got into dog training, I would start by training my friends pets. Who would say no to free training, right?  My passion for training flourished, and I wanted to learn to train any pup I came across.

     I studied under Tar Heel K9 to 5, Tracy Johnson, to learn variations of training techniques for behavior modification, basic obedience, and more.

     My passion and goal as a trainer are to help humans and their dogs become the best, most-fulfilled versions of themselves together by kindling engagement, trust, confidence, and clear communication.