What can we help you with?

Puppy Training

  • Potty/house training

  • Puppy manners

  • Socialization

  • Bite inhibition

  • Nipping/mouthing

  • Problem prevention

  • Structure building

Our Programs

Manners and Obedience

  • Sit, stand, down

  • Stay

  • Place

  • Wait at doors

  • Recall

  • Loose leash walking

  • Jumping

  • Tricks

  • Games

  • Crate training

Behavior problems

  • Barking/lunging at dogs

  • Barking/lunging at people

  • Fear of strangers entering the house

  • Food guarding

  • Toy guarding

  • Shyness/anxiety/fear

We offer a variety of training programs at K9 Koexistence tailored to different levels of experience and needs. Our programs focus on science-based training techniques to help build a strong bond between you and your canine companion. From basic obedience to advanced behavioral training, we are here to support you in achieving your training goals. Please contact us for more information on our available programs and to schedule a consultation.

One on one in-home lesson-We offer personalized in-home training lessons designed to address your dog's specific needs. Our experienced trainers will work with you and your dog in the comfort of your own home to achieve your training goals effectively and efficiently.

Public Outings-At K9 Koexistence, we provide specialized training for dogs to behave appropriately during public outings. Our program focuses on teaching essential skills to ensure that your dog can accompany you in various public settings with confidence and good behavior.

Leash Manners-Our Leash Manners training program is designed to help your dog learn how to walk politely on a leash. Through a series of structured exercises and science-based training techniques, we will address common leash-related issues such as pulling, lunging, and excessive excitement during walks. The program focuses on teaching your dog to walk calmly beside you without constantly pulling or tugging on the leash. By practicing consistency and patience, you will see gradual improvement in your dog's leash manners over time.

Aggression-Our aggression training package is designed to address challenging behaviors in dogs. Through personalized sessions, we aim to help your dog develop the necessary skills to coexist peacefully with humans and other animals.

Confidence Building-Our Confidence Building Package is designed to help your dog overcome behavioral issues and develop a strong sense of self-assurance. Through specialized training techniques and personalized sessions, we will work with your dog to build their confidence in various situations.

Reactivity-Our reactivity program at K9 Koexistence is designed to help dogs who display reactive behavior towards other dogs or people. Through a structured training approach focusing on positive reinforcement, desensitization, and counterconditioning techniques, our experienced trainers work with each dog to modify their reactive responses. By addressing the underlying emotions that drive reactivity, we aim to help dogs develop new, more positive associations with their triggers. Our program emphasizes creating a safe and controlled environment to gradually expose dogs to their triggers at a manageable pace, empowering them to make better behavioral choices. If you have a reactive dog, our reactivity program may be the key to helping your canine companion build confidence and overcome their reactive tendencies.

Puppy Head Start-Our Puppy Head Start Program is designed to give young dogs the foundational skills they need for a lifetime of companionship. Through a structured curriculum focusing on socialization, basic obedience, and crate training, puppies in our program learn important behaviors in a positive, nurturing environment. Led by our experienced trainers, this program sets puppies on the path to becoming well-adjusted and well-behaved adult dogs. Give your puppy the best start possible with our Puppy Head Start Program.